Sunday, 10 June 2012

Angelina Jolie - A Plea for Pakistan`s Flood Affectees

The script below are the words of Angelina Jolie`s. They are her answers pertaining 
to Pakistan`s devastating flood affectees, while she was being interviewed by CNN`s 
Dr Sanjay Gupta and Laura Ziskin, SU2C Co-Founder. The interview was aired on 
December the 4th, 2010 at 07:30 Eastern Time. She spoke these words of passion 
as a Goodwill Ambassador from the United Nations. She spoke these words from 
her heart.

A Plea for Pakistan`s Flood Affectees 


Angelina Jolie

The impact of Pakistan`s floods are on real people, and immediate assistance 

will be needed for some time to come. Many people are not giving Pakistan the 
attention she deserves because they suffer from a fatigue in general when 
it comes to disaster relief. But if I can say that the thing that I've learned the 
most in being in Pakistan is that we tend to focus on one issue at a time, 
because that seems to be what people can observe and care for. But Pakistan, 
as you know, is so complex because it has not just the people from the flood 
and 18 million affected now, but it still has the 1.7 million Afghan refugees who 
are here.  And they've been displaced by the floods.

Millions feel that in this lifetime they will never be able to recuperate what they 

have lost, that they would never ever have again nice things, that they would 
never have a nice bed, a nice house. These are places where people have 
raised their children and their grandchildren.And it's -- in a moment, in a few 
hours, completely gone. 

And they're really good people. They're really just kind, wonderful, 
hardworking older people who will pass away most likely in this 
mud-covered area. We have no choice but to be optimistic and to 
have hope. I think, without that, we're just lost and things deteriorate. 
In this part of the world, Pakistanis are a resilient people.

I think of all that they've been hit with and they continue 

to move on, to rebuild, to trade, to educate, to learn,  
they're really trying. And they've fought through a lot. And they 
will continue to fight through and that goes for the Afghani 
people as well.

We have to support them. And also, for all the people that are worried 

about conflict --Abroad, this part of the world they feel like it's far away, 
or they're not sure that they don't understand the corruption, or for all of this. The only 
way to make for a healthier and more hopeful, stronger Pakistan 
and Afghanistan is to help support education, is to help people, 
especially in this time of need, and to not just allow for 
more devastation and more desperation.

Please care and please help. Just remember they're people, they're family, 

they're lovely, lovely, hardworking people and beautiful children. And they 
deserve -- they deserve dignity and assistance.

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